If you are a Which? Trusted Trader, you also agree to be bound by the Additional Terms. If you have any questions, then please contact us on 029 2267 0040, or via trustedtraders@which.co.uk, and we will be happy to help you.

1. Content of reviews and information required

When you submit a review about a Which? Trusted Trader (the ‘trader’) via the Website, where you have used or attempted to use the trader’s service we will ask you for the following information as appropriate:

i. Date of contact with the trader;
ii. Date the work was completed by the trader, if applicable;
iii. Your invoice number (if applicable);
iv. Your email address;
v. Your phone number;
vi. Your postcode;
vii. Your feedback.

By submitting your review you understand that we will process your information in order to validate and maintain a record of your review. This may include contacting you using the details you have provided in order to discuss and moderate your review. We may also ask you to provide additional evidence to support your review. Any personal data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Notice

We may edit or delete any content you provide at any time at our sole discretion, and we have no obligation to review the information you provide. We may also move or close any reviews, comments or posts for any reason and without notice.

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2. Your use of the Website and submission of reviews

Please ensure the reviews you provide are honest and truthful and expressed as opinions where that is appropriate. If you are reviewing any trader, you must not have a personal or professional connection with that trader. If you are a business, you must identify yourself as such and only include information in your review that is relevant to consumers.  We will use our reasonable endeavours to ensure all business to business reviews are labelled clearly.

If you intend to use a trader, please take the time to check that trader is right for your individual circumstances because if you use that trader, you will do so at your own risk. We will not be a party to the contract between you and that trader, and will not be responsible for any loss you may suffer as a result.

Please behave responsibly when posting reviews to the Website or adding any other content to our Website (such as comments on any of our discussion forums, if available). You agree that:

  • You will not use the Website in any way that is: illegal or unlawful, or likely to encourage illegal or unlawful behaviour; likely to damage the reputation of Which?; likely to be a nuisance, harmful or deceptive to any other person.
  • Any reviews or other content you add to the Website will: be factually accurate and/or be your genuinely held opinion based on facts; not be obscene or offensive; not infringe the copyright, trade marks or any other intellectual property rights of another person;
  • In reviewing any trader on the Website, you will not seek to promote your own or your employer’s business, seek to recruit new staff, or otherwise include any advertising or promotional material;
  • You will not try to access any confidential information (including usernames and passwords) of any other person, or try to collect, store or otherwise use any personal data of other contributors to the Website
  • You are over 18 years old or otherwise have the express permission of your parent or guardian to use the service;
  • You will not pretend to be someone else (e.g. a customer when in fact you are a trader, another user or a member of our team). You must not pretend that you are unconnected to a trader or a customer, when in fact you are. If you have a personal connection to a trader or a customer, you should disclose your connection or, where appropriate, not comment at all.

Please do not include any web links within your reviews or other content unless you have our prior permission to do so. If you want to ask for permission please email trustedtraders@which.co.uk.

If you wish to complain or if you think someone is misusing the Website, please tell us as soon as you can by emailing trustedtraders@which.co.uk.

We will try to provide the Website so that it is available to you at all times. However, we do not provide any guarantees about its availability or that we will be able to resolve quickly any technical issues that may arise.

Guidelines for submitting photos

  • In submitting a photo, you are granting Which? a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty free licence to reproduce, edit, modify, adapt and publish the photo(s) as we see fit. As the owner of the copyright, you will retain the copyright in your photo(s) and can continue to use them as you wish.
  • Photos submitted should be your own and original and comply with the Which? user generated content terms.
  • If we choose to use your image, we may add your image to our online Flickr gallery, and as such, your images are subject to Flickr/Yahoo’s terms of service.
  • By submitting photos to us, you accept the Which? user generated content terms and the Flickr terms of use.

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3. Other important things you need to know

You grant us a non-exclusive licence to use the reviews and any other content you add to our Website. For example, we may use this information in the Which? magazine, in marketing materials for Which? Trusted Traders, or where we enable access to Which? Trusted Trader reviews otherwise than through our website e.g. to Which? members over the phone. While we will usually display your name or username when using your content in this way, you agree that we have no obligation to do so.

Please ensure any content you print, copy or download from our website is for your personal use only. You must not use or encourage others to use our website (or its contents) for their or your commercial use or in a way that could damage the reputation of Which?.

You take full responsibility for the reviews you post on the Website and for any other content you submit to the Website (such as comments on any discussion forums or review threads) which means, for example, that if you provide a review in breach of these terms, you may be required to compensate anyone who suffers as a result (e.g. to a trader as a result of a false review).

Save where it is expressly stated, none of the reviews provided on the Website represent the views of Which?. The Which? Trusted Trader pages contain the views of members of the public, Which? members, and traders. These views are not the views of Which?. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information on the Website.

Which? has no control over the score or reviews provided by customers and accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise for any damage caused, including any damage to reputation, arising as a result of your use of the Website and/or any customer feedback.

What happens if you don’t comply with these terms?

We will treat any non-compliance as a serious issue, and if we think you have breached any of these terms, we may take any action that we consider appropriate. This may include:

  • the temporary or permanent suspension of your access to the Website;
  • taking legal action against you, possibly to recover any financial loss that we have suffered as a result of your actions; or
  • publishing a statement on any of our websites detailing your actions.

We will not compensate you for any loss you may suffer arising from:

  • using (or not using) a Which? Trusted Trader or any other trader reviewed on the Website;
  • the reviews or other content provided by customers including where the information provided is inaccurate;
  • any mistake we make with the content of our email alerts; and/or
  • the additional circumstances set out in our general terms

Which? may vary any of its terms at any time, although we will only make changes if we think these are either necessary or reasonable. Please make sure you check our Website regularly for any announcements. The changed terms will normally take effect immediately upon publication, although where we think the changes are likely to be important to you, we shall always tell you in advance so you can decide whether to continue using our Website.

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Additional terms applicable if you are a Which? Trusted Trader

When submitting and or editing your Which? Trusted Trader profile page, you agree that the information you provide is complete and accurate and is not misleading or untrue in any way. It is your responsibility to update your page with any changes to your contact details and/or other personal or business information.

You will not hold yourself out as being a Which? Trusted Trader except in relation to the specific business and activities that are identified in your licence agreement.

You understand and agree that you may be rated by your customers using our ratings system and that customers may leave written reviews of your services on your profile page, after completion of all or part of the work you carry out.

You must only portray yourself as being affiliated or connected to any accrediting body if your membership or qualifications are in date and still active.

You will not pretend to be someone that you are not (e.g. a customer). You must not pretend that you are unconnected to a customer, when in fact you are. If you have a personal connection to a customer, you should disclose your connection.

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