Impressing our judges with an approach that always puts the customer first, Finesse Windows Ltd has been named Which? Trusted Trader of the Month for July 2020.

This is the company's third win, with Finesse Windows Ltd also winning Trusted Trader of the Month in July 2017 and July 2019. The family-owned business, which employs a team around 50 people strong, offers a host of services including double glazing and door installation, and conservatory repairs.

We spoke to managing director Russell Bridge on Finesse Windows Ltd’s latest achievement.

Do you think your company has what it takes to win? Read our guide on how to be the next Which? Trusted Trader of the Month.

A team to be proud of

Founded back in 1981 by David Bridge and his business partner Peter O’Neil, Finesse Windows Ltd employs several longstanding members of staff, some of whom have been with the company for more than three decades.

When asked what makes him proud to be leading the Finesse Windows Ltd team, Russell told us: ‘I could talk about this all day long!’

‘We perceive Finesse to be our family's life's work. Everything we do is crafted with this in mind. The outcomes are often spectacular and, as such, very personal to us – we take enormous pride in our work. The customer reviews we get are a great endorsement of the work that our team does – I know all of our staff take great pride in the reviews they see coming through.’

Despite the coronavirus pandemic making business trickier than usual, the company has still found time to do its bit for charity. In fact, Finesse Windows Ltd has donated tens of thousands of pounds to worthy causes over the years. The team is in the middle of a campaign to raise £10,000 for a local school.

Russell said: ‘Our first instinct is to help, and this shines through everything we do. We believe we are quite unique in this respect, and this is an enormous source of pride for us.’

Standing out from the crowd with the Which? Trusted Trader logo

Customers truly value the Which? Trusted Trader logo. It’s a sure sign of reputation and trust – not just anyone can become endorsed. This helps customers to seek out the best traders around.

Speaking about the power of the Which? Trusted Trader logo, Russell told us: ‘Our customers benefit from peace of mind knowing they are dealing with a company that meets exacting standards and, importantly, is reviewed regularly.

‘Customers have specifically chosen to call us based on our Which? endorsement, as this puts us above other companies they may have considered.’

Our judges were pleased to see Finesse Windows Ltd proudly displaying the Which? Trusted Trader logo on its marketing material. You’ll also spot the logo on the company’s website and social media pages. The group’s adorable mascot, PAWS the bunny, also shows off the Which? Trusted Trader logo with pride.

Russell explained to us that ‘over half’ of Finesse Windows Ltd’s business comes from repeat custom, or people enquiring after getting a recommendation from friends and family.

He said: ‘It's quite common for us to have worked for three generations of one family. It's this kind of loyal, repeat custom that really makes us proud to know that we've done the best we possibly can.

‘The type of customer we attract is the type of customer who definitely values the association with Which? Trusted Traders. It's a perfect fit.’

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Serving customers during lockdown

As families across the UK adapt to life in lockdown, Finesse Windows Ltd has had to reconsider the way it interacts with customers.

The company has been making the most of online video-calling services such as WhatsApp and Zoom to provide virtual quotations. If a customer wants Finesse Windows Ltd to inspect something, the team doesn’t have to enter their home.

As we were looking through Finesse Windows Ltd’s Trusted Trader of the Month application, one story in particular stood out.

During the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, the company was contacted by a customer who had started installing a conservatory pre-lockdown. Unfortunately, this customer had received some sad news, which meant finishing the project became a priority.

In response, the Finesse Windows Ltd team did everything they could to finish off the conservatory during a very difficult period. The customer was so grateful that they handed over a cheque for an extra £300, asking Russell’s team to donate it to charity on their behalf. Finesse Windows Ltd decided to match that and donated a further £300 for the NHS. The previous week, the company had raised £1,000 for the same charity as part of its photograph project, taking the grand total to £1,600.

Russell said: ‘We have used these unprecedented times to really reflect on what lies at the heart of our customer service, and how we can continue to serve our customers and local community despite the circumstances.

‘We are always looking for ways to improve our customers’ experience and this situation has made us think more creatively. Communication and team work are really at the heart of it, and therefore keeping in touch and being there when customers need us has become increasingly important.’

Sign up with Which? Trusted Traders

So what advice would Russell give to other traders considering signing up to the Which? Trusted Trader scheme?

‘If a company is serious about developing their business and has the right intentions of providing exemplary products and service, we would highly recommend that they explore the possibility of becoming a Which? Trusted Trader.

‘In an age where many consumers are rightly looking for reliable ways in which they can find information about prospective suppliers, the association with Which? can prove to be an extremely valuable addition to any business that meets the strict criteria.’

Congratulations to Finesse Windows Ltd for winning July 2020’s Which? Trusted Trader of the Month award.

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